

Karmic Cleanse time – navigating the Astrals

Karmic Cleanse time – navigating the Astrals

Hi my loves If you are feeling a bit caught up in the thick soupy energy out there - know you are not alone. Not only do we have the rather ‘heavy blanket’ of the UK voting scene to navigate around (or away from for some of us), we also have some rather intense planetary energy. Coincidence..? maybe not. Saturn the planet of Karma, and now Neptune the planet of illusions have both gone retrograde in the last few days. This means that energetically it is a time to review, release, re-evaluate, reveal… (all the ‘re’ words, is what a retrograde demands). And all this right as the Sirius Portal...

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The Eclipse Season has begun – hold onto your hats

The Eclipse Season has begun – hold onto your hats <3

Hi my loves, Last night saw us fully entering the Eclipse Season with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the Aries/Libra Axis.  Eclipses are exciting yet often challenging times, as they increase the potency of the moon 100x fold.  Their effects on us are unpredictable and often shocking, earning their affectionately given title of ‘wildcards’. A Lunar Eclipse occurs during a Full Moon, (which is already a time of letting go, cleansing and release), therefore during this time the energy intensifies as our soul lines up to its highest calling.  If we have strayed away from our path, this is when...

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‘Tired but Wired’ from all the Solar Flare and Cosmic Activity?

‘Tired but Wired’ from all the Solar Flare and Cosmic Activity?

If you have recently been experiencing sleep disturbances, or strange new aches and pains, or been struggling to focus with a wooly head, don't worry, this is a fairly normal set of symptoms that can happen while we level up to this new energy.  As electromagnetic beings, it is understandable that all this extra photonic light and powerful energy woofing out of the sun would be impacting us. Although it is important to get any health issues checked out by a professional, many people are experiencing these 'unexplained' physical phenomena which many believe are ascension symptoms, meaning the...

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Super New Moon Sunday on Mothers Day

Super New Moon Sunday on Mothers Day <3

Hi my loves, March is bringing us some pretty intense energy already.  We have been getting hit with some big Geo Storms (to KP6) over the last week, the Schumann Resonance (Earth's Heartbeat) has been reaching some big highs with unusual patterns, and we are about to have a powerful Super New Moon on Mothers Day (this Sunday). Being a mother is one of the most underrated yet important roles on the planet, and so for many, Mothers Day will be a joyful time to honour and celebrate. That said, I also want to send my love to all those who struggle with complex emotions during this time We may...

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