As we approach the Harvest Full Super Moon on the 17th of September, accompanied by a powerful Lunar Eclipse, we’re entering a unique and potent period of cosmic energy. The Full Moon is always a time for culmination, reflection, and release, but when it’s a Super...
Hi my loves If you are feeling a bit caught up in the thick soupy energy out there – know you are not alone. Not only do we have the rather ‘heavy blanket’ of the UK voting scene to navigate around (or away from for some of us), we also have some rather intense...
Hi my loves, Last night saw us fully entering the Eclipse Season with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the Aries/Libra Axis. Eclipses are exciting yet often challenging times, as they increase the potency of the moon 100x fold. Their effects on us are unpredictable...
If you have recently been experiencing sleep disturbances, or strange new aches and pains, or been struggling to focus with a wooly head, don’t worry, this is a fairly normal set of symptoms that can happen while we level up to this new energy. As...
Hi my loves, March is bringing us some pretty intense energy already. We have been getting hit with some big Geo Storms (to KP6) over the last week, the Schumann Resonance (Earth’s Heartbeat) has been reaching some big highs with unusual patterns, and we are...
Hi my loves, Today is known as the 222 portal – full of healing properties you can harness with intentions, and coming directly after last nights X class solar flare. If you felt wiped out yesterday or today, this is probably why. These powerful flares are...