Sacred Amazonian Plant Supplements
Many people are becoming aware of the powerful healing properties of sacred plant supplements, more widely popularised by CBD oil, however that’s just one of many wonderful plants with amazing health benefits. Another exciting and hugely potent plant is Banisteriopsis Caapi found mainly in the Amazon Jungle.
Typically you could only reap the benefits of this powerful Amazonian plant teacher by visiting the jungle to drink a ceremonial tea called ‘Ayahausca’, a sacred brew made from a combination of B. Caapi (the vine) and the hallucinogenic DMT containing plant Chakruna (the shrub). However this is cost prohibitive for most people, as well as off-putting due to the serious purging it induces. Micro-dosing, in contrast, is powerful in its own right, yet its approach is gentle. No sickness, purging or hallucinations – and all from the comfort of your own home. As there’s no psychotropic element, it is perfectly legal in most if not all countries.
Scientific Studies show how B. Caapi helps with long standing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, even where conventional medicine has fallen short. Further reading can be obtained here and here. Benefits have shown that it:
- Helps with symptoms of Stress, Anxiety and Depression
- Helps focus attention
- Inspires creativity
- Increases receptivity to new ideas and improves decision making
- Increases periods of being in ‘flow’
- Enhances intuition
- Brings deeper feelings of gratitude and love to self and others
- It’s grounding, and helps develop stronger boundaries
- Brings greater energy (and vitality)
- Helps release trauma, old patterns and habits
- Promotes deep inner calm
- Helps bring clarity to finding and fulfilling your life purpose
- Can help relieve symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases (Parkinsons etc)
B. Caapi vine contains the profoundly therapeutic beta-carboline alkaloids (harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine), now proving through scientific research what the Indigenous tribes of the Amazonian Jungle have intuitively known for generations.
These alkaloids, known as mono amino oxidase inhibitors (MAO-I) work to stop the break down of MAO enzymes on signal substances like Serotonin and Dopamine. Therefore these naturally powerful MAO-I have a particularly therapeutic effect on treating mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, and are what the pharmaceutical industry have tried less successfully to synthesize for the same conditions [2]. There is evidence to show B. Caapi to be beneficial in relieving symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and ALS click here
Micro-dosing is the term given to taking the medicine at a reduced dose that your body can handle in a gentle way. A full dose would be taken under supervision of a Shaman during ceremony. Our B. Caapi has been sourced ethically from our Shaman in both Peru and Ecuador, working closely with tribes who are responsibly repopulating the plantations they harvest, and giving the local indigenous people an opportunity to earn a fair wage. Our B. Caapi has been made from quality plants by highly trained indigenous people, utilising methods used since its first discovery many generations ago. It is not advisable to make your own concoction from bark bought form the Internet as you cannot guarantee the quality or integrity of what you are buying, and you may miss vital aspects from the process. Micro-dosing will not negatively effect daily life activities like driving or functioning in work meetings etc, but should enhance your cognitive functioning and improve emotional balance. As a healthy side effect you may also find that addictions fade naturally with time.
Simply place 5 drops under tongue and hold for a few minutes before swallowing with water, adjusting your dose between 2 – 7 drops according to your response. Ideally use upon waking or before going to bed when reflecting or meditating. It is not necessary to follow a special diet whist micro-dosing, however, you will increase the potency of the medicine if you are conscious about what you consume. Meat, dairy, refined sugars, coffee and alcohol are some of the things you might want to reduce or be more mindful of taking. There are no known negative side effects from micro-dosing B. Caapi. A 30ml bottle has approx. 600 drops and will last 3-4 months. It is recommended to take a 10 day break after each 30 days of consecutive use. We recommend journaling your progress, which will be enhanced by the support of our growing online micro-doser group which all of our customers are sent an invitation to join..
Always consult with your Doctor if you are already using medications or if you have any serious concerns about your health. We are not Doctors therefore cannot advise nor prescribe what is best for your specific circumstances or conditions, therefore please exercise caution when in any doubt. For our Medical disclaimer click here
Aside from talking to your Doctor if you take medications, (just as a precaution, as this is only Micro-dosing and although it is small in dose but large in power), the main things you want to know from a supplier is: Is it good quality, ethically sourced, quick to deliver, and reliable to get hold of.
At De-Vine Spirit we have taken all of these precautions for you. There is no risk that you will be buying something inferior, or sending money to the jungle that you may not see again, we have made strong connections with those we buy from. Integrity is our ethos and we deliver to you with love and blessings.
(updated when possible with downloads at bottom of page):
Click here to read ‘Ayahuasca – Ethnobotanical Medicine May Treat Neuro-Degenerative Conditions
Banisteriopsis Caapi ‘Pure Vine only’ is our most popular plant supplements for all the incredible ‘all-round’ healing properties it gives. Many people choose to stay blissfully working wth B. Caapi, however as your journey of healing awareness and discovery deepens, you may wish to explore the many benefits of some of the other amazing Master Healing plants of the Amazon. Click below to read all about them
If you have been drawn to Sacred Plant Supplements to help with anxiety, depression or maybe to help you gain more clarity about what you want out of life, then you may find the support of a fully qualified Coach both accelerates and enhances your healing journey. Please click below to visit my dedicated coaching site and for more information on your coach and her qualifications.
Please click on the FAQ button at the top of the home page for a full detailed list and do not hesitate to contact us should your question not be answered.
Sacred Plants in Our Caapi Blends

Pure Banisteriopsis Caapi is extremely beneficial for helping relieve anxiety and depression. Also used for increased clarity, focus, creativity, greater intuition, increased energy, promotes inner calm, helps develop stronger boundaries, has been found to help ease depression and anxiety and can help relieve symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases

Bobinsana is a sacred and spiritual plant teacher, loved and used by shamans for its gentle heart-opening qualities and its ability to teach us Self-Love. Provides strength, energy and boosts immune system.
Also used for Arthritis, rheumatism, musculoskeletal pains and uterine disorders Research in Sweden backs up this up by showing that Bobinsana contains COX-inhibitors, the remedy for arthritis.

Cat’s Claw treats inflammation, gastric ulcers, rheumatism, dysentery, intestinal complaints and wounds. It lowers blood pressure, is helpful in detoxification of the intestinal tract, replenishes friendly bacteria in the intestines and is a powerful anti-inflammatory, fighting the inflammation associated with gastrointestinal problems. It is also used to treat a wide range of other digestive disorders including; IBS, IBD, colitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers.
Sacred Plant Supplement Offering in Further Detail
Once you have experienced the profound healing spirit of Banisteriopsis Caapi, your journey of healing, awareness and discovery will likely bring you to want to explore some of the other amazing Master Healing plants of the Amazon. B.Caapi works particularly well with Cat’s Claw which has been used as a traditional medicine in the Andes dating back to the Inca’s; treating inflammation, gastric ulcers, rheumatism, dysentery, intestinal complaints and wounds.
A recent study showed that Cat’s Claw significantly elevated the infection fighting white blood cells, and researchers also noted a repair in DNA – both in single and double strand breaks with its use.
Its effect both boosts or dampens immune response depending on what is needed. Immune responses that are hyper vigilant can be contained, whilst a weaker immune system which allows disease to advance undeterred, is strengthened.
Cats Claw has many phytochemical elements consisting of oxidole alkaloids, quinovic acid glycosides, antioxidants, plant sterols and carboxyl alkyl esters. All of which attribute to the many benefits of Cats Claw.
Lowers High Blood Pressure
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has used Cat’s Claw for centuries to treat high blood pressure. Studies now appear to back this up, with a specific alkaloid – hirsutine – being attributed with this plant’s ability to keep blood pressure under control. This health promoting alkaloid specifically acts as a calcium channel blocker. This effect can lower blood pressure by blocking calcium from entering the cells of the heart and blood vessel walls, whilst widening and relaxing the blood vessels themselves. This in turn helps the blood to flow in a healthy, smooth manner.
Digestive Health
This versatile herb is also helpful in detoxification of the intestinal tract, whilst replenishing the friendly bacteria in the intestines. Also a powerful anti-inflammatory, Cat’s Claw is believed to fight the inflammation associated with a number of gastrointestinal problems.
It is also used to treat a wide range of other digestive disorders including; IBS, IBD, colitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers.
Once you have experienced the profound healing spirit of Banisteriopsis Caapi, your journey of healing, awareness and discovery will likely bring you to want to explore some of the other amazing Master Healing plants of the Amazon. B.Caapi works particularly well with Bobinsana, which is a sacred and spiritual plant teacher loved and used by shamans for its gentle heart-opening qualities and its ability to teach us Self-Love.
Considered a very creative feminine plant, Bobinsana’s teachings are focused on healing wounds of the heart from past relationships to release trauma, intense grief, loss and sadness. Healing deep wounds from childhood, romantic relationships, or psychological/physical abuse, the participant experiences a greater capacity to feel love, empathy, and compassion for oneself and others.
By reinforcing the brain’s nervous system, Bobinsana helps relieve stress, tension, intense thoughts and worries accumulated from heavy workloads. She helps to strengthen and protect your energy field to create a resilient fortress around you when in challenging environments. This also supports any meditation practice or energy work, such as massage and reiki.
The Shipibo say that Bobinsana has a great love for beauty and the arts, and so helps to activate the participant’s creative channels for greater self-expression. She helps to open the voice and connect the participant with plant spirits to receive songs. Bobinsana is a unique spirit who showers you with love and affection, illuminating the path of beauty and grace
Found growing along the river banks and streams in the Amazon basin, Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia) is a shrubby tree with beautiful pink to reddish powderpuff-like flowers that open twice a day; around 4AM and 4PM.
Bobinsana is a greatly loved plant, held in high regard among Peruvians for its medicinal properties. A root decoction may be prepared to promote strength and energy; purifying and detoxifying to boost the immune system.
Also used for Arthritis, rheumatism, musculoskeletal pains, edema/oedema and uterine disorders, which have all been shown to be addressed by medicine of the bark, Research in Sweden backs up this up by showing that Bobinsana contains COX-inhibitors, the remedy for arthritis
Contra-indications: Bobinsana is traditionally used as a contraceptive in Peru, while there is no research to confirm this, those seeking to get Pregnant or are Pregnant should avoid taking this remedy
Each Bottle is made fresh to order and is intended for immediate use following the program: Take 5 – 7x drops per day for 30x days continuous use with 10x days break between doses
Other Services

If you have been drawn to Sacred Plant Supplements to help with anxiety, depression or maybe to help you gain more clarity about what you want out of life, then you may find the support of a fully qualified Coach both accelerates and enhances your healing journey.
Please click here to see tailored coaching packages and for more about your coach and her qualifications.

If you have been drawn to Sacred Plant Supplements to help with anxiety, depression or maybe to help you gain more clarity about what you want out of life, then you may find the support of a fully qualified Coach both accelerates and enhances your healing journey.
Please click here to see tailored coaching packages and for more about your coach and her qualifications.

If you have been drawn to Sacred Plant Supplements to help with anxiety, depression or maybe to help you gain more clarity about what you want out of life, then you may find the support of a fully qualified Coach both accelerates and enhances your healing journey.
Please click here to see tailored coaching packages and for more about your coach and her qualifications.