Is our response-ability the key to our happiness?

Is our response-ability the key to our happiness?

During a run with my friend this morning, I had a big ‘Aha’ moment. A rather sweet old man on a bike stopped us to ask us if we were on the ‘Castle Route’ (one of many rambler routes we apparently live next to). Being creatures of habit and only having enough time to...

Are you making personal change impossible?

Do you know, there are 3 types of people in the world.The first type settles for what they have. They don’t like it, but they also don’t do anything about it.The second type wants more out of life, they sets goals, but constantly struggle to get ahead.And then there...

Self Sabbotage

Having trouble reaching all your goals? Are you going for what you want, but feeling like something is road-blocking the way? Are you finding yourself “not” doing some of the things you know you should be doing? You may running a pattern of self-sabotage. How do you...

Solution-Focused Life

If you are getting stuck in life, and feel you need something to happen in order to move on, you might find it interesting to read this post.And even if you feel your life is great, then read this post anyway, as it might enable you to help others better!We all find...

Is Stress The Main Cause Of Low Libido In Women

Low libido problem in women is increasingly becoming a common occurring mainly due to the changing living conditions. In this article let us find out why women suddenly loose sexual desire and some natural ways through which she can regain her sexual vigor. Causes Of...