Yippee 2023 is here – the year of self-care! ‘Happy New Year’ sweet souls <3 |
I hope you had a lovely weekend of celebrations, or indeed peaceful reflections and gentle slumber. However you spent it, remember those 24hours is just a symbol – there’s no pass/fail on how it’s spent (phew because I fell asleep lol 😅). |
I like to think of the New Year more as a transition period – Rome wasn’t built in a day after all, and with still being in the heart of Winter, it’s time to be slow and gentle with ourselves. So before you go rushing out to the nearest treadmill (along with the other ‘x’ million people), it’s worth taking a few more moments to feel what ‘your’most enjoyable styles of self-care are. |
I’m not a big fan of writing NY resolutions, but I am a fan of regularly pondering what brings me joy, peace and growth. We all fall foul of becoming too busy to put our needs first at some point or another, so this is a great time to check in about what they are. You’d be surprised just how few people know what their true needs and desires are when asked, so it really is something to put aside time to question. And never guilt yourself into doing something, even if that thing is ‘healthy’. Rather take time to find the ‘healthy’ thing you actually enjoy. |
The interesting thing about this year, is that in numerology 2023 carries the highly spiritual ‘7’ energy, which is all about ‘going within’, slowing down (way, way down), developing a spiritual practice, taking time for deep introspection, setting good boundaries, practicing self care, and creating space in the body with stretching and detoxing, and space in our personal surroundings with de-cluttering. |
Self care is literally anything that brings you into ‘PRESENCE’ in a non judgemental, kind and compassionate way. It includes doing things that are joyful, healing, peaceful, exhilarating, nourishing, relaxing.., It can also be setting or asserting boundaries, because a huge part of self care is cultivating authenticity – learning to ‘be’ the real and wonderful YOU that you are. |
Our thoughts and emotions directly impact our vibration, which in turn impacts everything from our health, career, finances and relationships. Doing and thinking things that raise our vibration is what makes a happy and healthy life, so cultivating a nourishing self-care practice that works uniquely for us, not only brings pleasure and joy in the moment, but benefits every area of our lives. Practicing self care is literally demonstrating to yourself that you matter <3 And you do sweet soul! <3 |
What is it that brings you joy, growth or peace? It could be anything from a walk in nature, meditation, massage, art, yoga, dancing, sound healing, journalling, drinking and eating mindfully, body brushing, cleaning, taking a course on a topic you love.. Perhaps take some time today to make a list of those things, and then just aim to do a little something from it every day. Even just 5mins daily meditation will have a positive impact over a week.. and if you need help with meditation, come along to my Kundalini class on a Thursday where we are using Mala beads… it’s pure joy to do with others! |
As you know, nourishing and nurturing people is a big passion of mine, so I will be providing you ample opportunities for joyful healing, and heart expanding practices over the coming year – with all my great loves such as sound healing, kundalini yoga, meditations, soundbaths, mini retreats, cacao ceremonies, private somatic therapy and wellbeing coaching.. and I’m sure I will be weaving all sorts of magic collaboratively with some friends this year too, so stay tuned for details about that. |
Remember too that I will be running a beautiful extended Soundbath & Guided Meditation event on Sunday to welcome in 2023, as well as the nurturing energy of the Cancer Full Moon, so do book yourselves on for some deeply healing nourishment. You deserve it, and at just £18 I’ve made it affordable to give yourself this necessary treat. |
It’s known to be highly beneficial to our health to have at least one soundbath a month, and after the excesses of this last period of festivities, its more important than ever to give your cells a chance to renew and release stagnancies with the powerful vibrations and frequencies. Getting into the alpha and theta brainwaves for deep healing relaxation at a cellular level is one of the most supportive things you can do for yourself. |
See you soon sweet souls, I just know this year is going to be wonderful. And if the only goal you make is to take a single step every day towards being your own wonderful authentic self, then you will be giving the world a huge gift as well as yourself Sat Nam 🤗 xx |
Feeling Stuck?…How to Break Free from Functional Freeze & Reclaim Your Vitality
How to Break Free from Functional Freeze & Reclaim Your Vitality Have you ever found yourself longing for connection yet turning down invitations? Wanting to move your body but unable to muster the motivation to go to the gym? Knowing that fresh air would do...
devinespirit|Feb 6, 2025