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Diwali & the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio – a time of Transformation and stepping into the mystery.

by | Oct 21, 2022 | Uncategorized

Hi my loves

Tomorrow (22nd Oct) is the start of the wonderful 5x day celebration of Diwali ‘the festival of lights’, with the actual main celebration being on Monday 24th. I’m sure that even if you don’t celebrate it personally, you’ll have noticed we normally have an increase of fireworks lighting up the sky to honour this wonderful time (hence me skipping this week for sound-baths lol).

More than one billion people celebrate Diwali around the globe, and although it has slightly different traditions and meanings depending from where in India you hail, the main theme is the celebration of good over evil, or light over darkness <3. Diwali is about friendship and togetherness.. it is when the house will be lit up, windows open to let the Goddess Lakshmi (of abundance and beauty) in. Sweets and gifts will be given, and joy will be had by all.

What is also quite exciting and I’m pretty sure is no coincidence, is that it always arrives around the New Moon in Scorpio and this year its also a Solar eclipse (Tuesday 25th), which our ancestors, no matter the culture, have always feared a little. A solar (or indeed lunar) eclipse, is literally where the light and dark do battle, and for a short period we are plummeted into the darkness

Although it may be difficult to get your head around all the traditions and stories of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Ganesha or the other deities if you do not have an Indian background, but from a philosophical point of view, darkness typically represents the shadowy underworld, and the light our conscious awareness. And with all the shadowy darkness that has been coming up in this tumultuous period in history, I am sure we can all get behind a celebration of the light <3

To help ourselves navigate this time more smoothly, we really need to spend more quality time with ourselves. Ask yourself what can you let go of; what is no longer serving your truest and highest calling. And interestingly, although a new moon is usually a time to sew seeds and set intentions – now is not a time for that. Don’t worry about the ‘next steps’… this is preparation time, this is a time to ‘fallow’..

In fact you might find yourself feeling pretty ‘blank’ about what you want right now anyway. Allow yourself to be in the mystery of it all.., the ‘not knowing’. It is ok to let go of things that don’t align with you, and to not know what you will replace it with. The coming lunar eclipse on the 8th Nov will shed a bit more light on that….

We are being guided by these supportive cosmic and planetary energies, as we go through the photon belt, so allow this to be a time where you are honouring your transformation. Take time to mediate, reflect, journal and pay attention to your dreams. What hidden aspects of yourself need to come into your awareness to be released?

We are being called to let go of the patterns of the past. Remember the mind can only comprehend what it stands to lose, it can’t even begin to comprehend the fullest beauty of what can be gained in the space that is created.

Hold yourselves and everything you feel, with deep compassion.. honour it all.. the dark and the light. We are in a profound place of transformation.

Let us all revel in the light of Diwali and of our own rising consciousness

Blessed be and Namaste xx

Penny Pettman

Penny Pettman

Founder of De-vine Spirit


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