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Happy New Year – Welcoming 2024

by | Dec 30, 2023 | Uncategorized

Hi my loves 🤗

So here we are – about to say goodbye to 2023.. and welcome in a brand new year of new possibilities, of potential, and hope.

This last year has flown by in a blink, and yet it’s been one of the most intense for many of us for awhile.  So much has happened this year… it’s well worth taking a little time out to reflect.  Give yourself praise for how much you’ve handled and for all the growth and expansion any challenges brought.

Personally I love to do a little journalling at the end, or start, of a new year.. reflecting on what I’ve learned, what I’ve shed (or am shedding), and where I want to focus my attention in the coming year.

It’s not the same as making New Years resolutions (I never do those), it’s more about setting your focus towards what you want to feel more of this coming year.

If you focus on the feeling you want to cultivate (rather than a ‘thing’ you want to manifest or give up), then the ‘how its done’  can be handed over to the Universe, which, lets face it, has way way more magical problem solving ideas than we have as individuals.

Then, just be open to experiences that align with the feelings you want to have more of…  Whether that’s abundance, inner peace, love, joy or vitality… Imagine you are a little beacon or lighthouse to that energy frequency.

It’s also way more rewarding and joyful to focus on what you do want rather than making a whole list of things you feel you ‘must stop’.  Since when has shaming ourselves ever really helped long term…

For example, if you want to remedy feeling lonely, then you may wish to call in ‘connection‘ as a feeling.. then check in with yourself honestly about any habits that get in the way of connection, whilst also being open to any new experiences that bring more of what you want.  It can be surprising to see how we get in our own way to having the very thing we crave.

Ultimately, all the things we want to give up will more easily and naturally disappear when our focus is on something that we truly want, that is greater than the distraction.

I have a wonderful feeling about 2024 <3.  It’s also an ‘8’ year, which is the number of abundance.  Therefore to harness this beautiful energy of abundance, it’s well worth taking a little time now to ensure you’re focussed on what you really do want to attract.

Wishing you all a magical New Year, and remember this: however you spend tonight, ‘New Year’ is not marked by the chime of a bell, but by your heart..  Every day is the chance for a new beginning.

I am so looking forward to seeing you all very soon my loves. The next Full Moon Mini Retreat on 28th Jan is way over half filled already, but pease click here if you’d like to join us for some soulful healing nourishment.

Also I am running a set of master classes on healing the ‘Solar Plexus Chakra’ starting 9th Jan.  There are just a few spots left if you would like to join me and a wonderful heart centred community.  You can scroll down for a little more information on that and a few pics of some of my lovely group from today’s walk

Happy New Year – and all my love for a magical year ahead 🤗💗🎉


Pics below of a few of my lovely yoga tribe on our New Years Eve walk making a few nature Mandala’s which are such a fun way to spend a walk.  At the end, you can choose one of the pieces of the Mandala to put your intentions in for the New Year and hold it to your heart before placing it back into your creation <3




Penny Pettman

Penny Pettman

Founder of De-vine Spirit


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