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New Moon Intention Setting Challenge

by | Jan 13, 2021 | Blog

Tonight is the first New Moon of 2021 – the perfect time to set intentions for the year. And now more than ever we need to bring positive vibrational visions into this world

It may be difficult in an uncertain world to know where to begin with this. I mean with so many negative stories and disappointments coming at us 24/7, its understandable that changing gear to look for things you might actually ‘want’ could feel a challenge. Perhaps the idea of imagining yourself on a sunny beach holiday is too far a jump if you (like me) are in lockdown in rainy old England… however, do not let that deter you from creating intentions that are based on the feelings that ‘desired thing’ would give you.

So, this means you could look underneath the ‘desired thing’ and explore how you would like to feel if you were actually experiencing it. If for example that was a beach holiday, this might be: relaxed, at peace, warmed through to the bones, safe, rejuvenated, at ease, free!

Therefore you can set your intentions to ‘feel’ those feelings, and let the universe bring those feelings to you in a way that is most accessible to the collective circumstances we are aligned to in this now moment.

That said, if you know what it is that you truly desire, and your individual belief systems are not putting any barriers up to receiving it, then for sure write that down, have fun envisioning it, and allow yourself to have the feelings in your body as if you truly have received it.

Embodiment is the most potent way of bringing towards you anything you desire. And the New Moon is THE most powerful time to do it.

Create a nice clear space for yourself, light a candle, burn some incense, sage or essential oil, Get out a journal and pen, or electronic notebook, or some paints and get creative.

There is no right or wrong way to set intentions… the only way you can get it wrong is if you don’t do anything at all
Have fun sweet souls

P.S. Use your Caapi for some extra potency

Penny Pettman

Penny Pettman

Founder of De-vine Spirit


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