Hi loves |
This month is going to be a pretty intense one! Both Saturn and Pluto are changing signs within a week or so or each other. This a pretty big deal, as Pluto changes only 2 or 3 times in a lifetime, therefore it heralds in a new generation or social identity..; a new ‘theme’ in the collective consciousness. |
Saturn will be changing sign on the actual Full Moon (known as the ‘Worm Moon’) on 7th March, and bringing with it a complicated set of energies as it moves into Pisces for the next 3x years. Despite the practical earthy energy of Virgo (that the Full Moon is in), we’ll have as many as 4x planets in dreamy, intuitive Pisces. This is creating a somewhat frustrating ‘misty fog’ all over our thinking, making decisions a real challenge if we try to only use analytical and logical Virgo type energy. |
Luckily, Pisces supports our intuition, so we are being encouraged to take time out from striving for answers, and allow our intuition to take the lead. Trust what feels right, and what makes your energy ‘rise’. The Universe has solutions for us that even our wildest imaginings might not come up with, so step back a bit and allow them to come forth… Meditation and reflection will be one of the most supportive things you can do in this period. In this way, doing LESS is a strategy that will serve you well 😉 |
That said, we are being encouraged to get on with our responsibilities – especially where it comes to matters of our health and self-care. This full moon is being touted as extremely important and ‘packing a very strong punch’, as it’s also when Saturn (the planet of rules, responsibility and hard work), is making its transit to Pisces. With Pisces being the last sign in the Zodiac, it brings up matters of ‘endings’ (and subsequent beginnings) and can be an emotionally intense time for many of us. Drama over small matters of inconsequential detail could be indicated if we don’t remain mindful and conscious. |
The March energy will encourage spiritual awakenings, and there’s even more emphasis on matters of mental health, so having lots of compassion to self and others will help greatly. Ultimately March gives us wonderful opportunities, because if we utilise this time wisely we get to wake up to our ‘purpose’, as well as realise we are finally gaining the tools to make our dreams (our real dreams, not our socially conditioned ones) a reality <3 |
Typically Full Moons are honoured with mini retreats, but given that we have our Spring Equinox mini retreat on 21st March, I decided to offer a pure Soundbath for this one instead, and we get to enjoy it on the day itself. That said, it is practically booked out (only 2x spots left), so if you want a spot then grab it quick. If you you’ve missed it, put your name on the list just in case someone has to pull out. |
JOURNAL PROMPTS: Meanwhile for everyone – (whether you are coming or not), I would encourage you to consider the themes of this Full Moon and what you might like to let go of, or make changes to. Virgo themes are about your daily routines, diet, habits, and self-care. How do these impact your self-image or your ability to be of service. What can be improved upon – are you ready to shift up a gear? What have you not been paying attention to around the topic of self care? |
Whatever you get up to – I hope you have a wonderful weekend and an insightful and supportive Full Moon <3 I look forward to seeing those of you who have booked on, and will also ping out another reminder about the Spring Equinox mini retreat nearer the time (**which is also more than half booked out already) |
Oh and if you are not already doing so, please do follow my facebook page where you can see beautiful photos, vids and testimonials of previous events and keep up to date with the latest events too: |
Have a beautiful week xx |
March’s Cosmic Shifts: A Time to Let Go, Heal, and Emerge Stronger
March 2025 is a month that will leave its mark. If you feel like the ground beneath you is shifting, like you're being stretched and pulled in new directions, you're not alone. The cosmos is in motion, and it’s asking us to undergo some of the deepest personal and...
devinespirit|Mar 13, 2025