Winter Solstice 2021 & Full Moon in Gemini – ‘Partnering with the Divine’
We are almost at that amazing time of year - the ‘Winter Solstice’, when we can begin to celebrate the return of the light… Oh yes!! I for one am very excited about that <3. It is also the Full Moon (In Gemini) on Sunday 19th, the first lunation since eclipse...

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius – Caterpillar to Butterfly
Wow what a ride it has been this year – are you feeling the energy? Eclipses are timeline alignments. We are being called to come home to who we really are - to gather up the scattered pieces, to recognise our unique gifts and abilities, to release stuck traumas and...

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Nov 19th 2021 – Big changes are coming
Hello dear souls We are right now already in the shadow of what is going to be a very powerful Lunar Eclipse falling in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign, ruling all things material - finances, homes, food, creature comforts and our sense of safety and...

Boost your Immune System for the Change in Season
With many of my Yogi's having been hit with a cold, flu or bug these last weeks it prompted me to write this list of ‘must have supplements' so you can start getting your immune systems bolstered asap before the winter months kick in. All of these supplements I take...

Compassion… an Invitation
The world (as I know it) has never been so polarised in thoughts than it is right now. There is almost no escape from someone’s opposing opinion triggering us into judgment, whether that feels in our body like anger, jealousy, frustration, guilt or shame, it is still...

Imagination – Is it the key to our health and happiness?
I am a huge believer in the power of our mind... That our thoughts and beliefs really can change our reality. I first learned this powerful lesson for myself when I was just a child. Back then I suffered with intense leg aches that would leave me reeling in agony for...

New Moon Intention Setting Challenge
Tonight is the first New Moon of 2021 - the perfect time to set intentions for the year. And now more than ever we need to bring positive vibrational visions into this world It may be difficult in an uncertain world to know where to begin with this. I mean with so...

Welcome 2021….
It is with mixed emotions that I say - ‘Welcome 2021’. To be totally honest with you, I tentatively opened the door on this new year, and held off writing a traditional ‘’Happy New Year’’ post because I wanted to honour the enormity of the times we are in right now....

What riding my bike is teaching me this week…
It’s amazing how many life lessons we can get from watching how we perform simple tasks. Right in front of our noses, if we care to look. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been enjoying getting out riding my bike again. I love how it gives me more confidence and...

Happy New Year – Make it count ❤
Here it is… the end of a decade. Wow let’s just breathe that in for a moment 😃🎉🙏 As 2019 fades and 2020 looms in, its the perfect opportunity to reflect upon this last decade… all the highs and dare I say it, lows, that we have made it through. Even when we thought we...

Surviving and Thriving the Holiday Season <3
It’s that time of year again when we turn reflective… It can either be a source of much joy as we look towards spending time with loved ones, or it can be a time when the pressures of conformity or isolation can have a profoundly crippling effect on us If the latter...

How I make your little bottles of Love ❤️
Creating these plant remedies from the jungle is an act of beauty, love and sacred contemplation for me <3. I really enjoy the rehydration ritual and feel honoured to have the opportunity to bring you something so nurturing and healing…I’ve gained a real respect...

Setting Intention Tips
Struggling to think of what to ask when setting intentions during your micro-dosing meditation (or any time of intention setting really) is really common. So I wanted to share some thoughts that I hope might inspire you to find your voice. To begin with, it might help...

Expanding Emotional Range and Shadow Emotions
One of the most important things we focus on during our work together is to teach you how to expand your emotional range. This is the range of feelings you allow yourself to have, and to show without judgement, thereby giving you the ability to ‘feel more’, and...

Feeling Resistance?
I’ve been thinking about how we all struggle at times with Resistance.. You know that feeling when your body starts to constrict and tense up. Maybe you feel the tension in your jaw, shoulders, fists; the mind starts to close down at the mere thought of something you...

The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Beers
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle; when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the ‘Mayonnaise jar and the 2 beers’.A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked...

Is our response-ability the key to our happiness?
During a run with my friend this morning, I had a big ‘Aha’ moment. A rather sweet old man on a bike stopped us to ask us if we were on the ‘Castle Route’ (one of many rambler routes we apparently live next to). Being creatures of habit and only having enough time to...
Are you making personal change impossible?
Do you know, there are 3 types of people in the world.The first type settles for what they have. They don’t like it, but they also don’t do anything about it.The second type wants more out of life, they sets goals, but constantly struggle to get ahead.And then there...
Self Sabbotage
Having trouble reaching all your goals? Are you going for what you want, but feeling like something is road-blocking the way? Are you finding yourself “not” doing some of the things you know you should be doing? You may running a pattern of self-sabotage. How do you...
Solution-Focused Life
If you are getting stuck in life, and feel you need something to happen in order to move on, you might find it interesting to read this post.And even if you feel your life is great, then read this post anyway, as it might enable you to help others better!We all find...